Ask the Expert

Dr. Kathleen Wells is a professional career coach and Director of Coaches That Care. She has coached thousands of clients through the stages of successful career development.

Contacting Prospect Employer

Q: I have recently been contacted by a "head hunter" regarding a job opportunity that could be extremely profitable for me. I made it clear that the salary increase would have to be significant since I am extremely satisfied with my current position. I was told that would not be a problem. The position is Director of Marketing for a bank that is headed in the same direction as my current institution has been in for the past three years. I recently met with the President of the bank. In addition to doing research on the organization as well as the President's previous employer, I brought samples of my creative work. My meeting lasted one hour with the President, another hour with the EVP. I feel that the meeting was very positive. The feedback I received from the "head hunter" was that they were very impressed and would be in touch soon since they are currently looking to fill 6-8 positions. I have sent the President a short e-mail and received a response that we would be chatting soon. Should I make any additional contact with the employer, or just sit and wait? - Christine O.

A: Christine, you did everything right! It sounds like you did your research then went in prepared to show them how you could make a difference to their company. Since you contacted the company president and received a response, I'd wait a few days.

Don't hesitate to get back to the president in 5-7 days, though, just to put your name in front of him/her again. You can say you just wanted to check in and see how the hiring process is going.

It sounds very promising. As you go to salary negotiations be sure to remind them why they are even offering. Remind them of the excellent PROVEN skills you are bringing to them, then mention the figure you have in mind. When the figure is firm, then talk benefits, stock options, etc. Good luck!