Ask the Expert
Dr. Kathleen Wells is a professional career coach and Director of Coaches
That Care. She has coached thousands of clients through the stages of successful career development.
Resume and Salary
Q: I am a VP in the Pharmaceutical Business and I would like to look into becoming a career coach. Can you let me know if there is training or certification that is available.
Dear Kathryn,
Congratulations on considering becoming a career coach. I will tell you
that my most rewarding work over the years has been working as a career
counselor. There are two places you can go for certification, conferences
and training. One is the International Coaches Federation and the other is
the Professional Association of Resume Writers. Their web sites are and respectively.
Other than these, training is kind of hard to find, at least training
specific to career coaching. An Internet search might bring up a few places
to train, but I trained in an apprenticeship type situation. I worked for a
large national company, they trained me and I went on to become their head
counselor before leaving and starting my own practice.
Inherently you need to be compassionate, care about the success of your
clients, upbeat and able to motivate them, and able to teach them the skills
they need for success. Good writing and communication skills are essential.
There are many books on job searches that would tell you what you need to
share with them by way of types of resumes to use, interviewing and
networking techniques, etc.
You have no doubt reached VP by being self disciplined and motivated so
undertaking study of this type on your own should be no problem. Then join
the two associations I mentioned above and read their material. There is a
huge need for good and ethical career coaches. If you are interested in
life coaching as well, check out the Coaching University ( ) and others on the
Good luck with your new career!