Ask the Expert

Dr. Kathleen Wells is a professional career coach and Director of Coaches That Care. She has coached thousands of clients through the stages of successful career development.

Salary History and Salary Requirements

Q: When asked to supply salary history OR salary requirements, in what form and where should that information be placed? Mistina

A: This is an excellent question and one I receive frequently. The salary history and salary requirements are bits of information that should not be given in your cover letter or resume. Even if the company says this is required information, do not give it unless someone you know inside the human resources department can verify that applications without it will not be reviewed.

Otherwise, in your cover letter simply state that salary history and/or requirements will be discussed in person at your interview after you learn more about the position and its responsibilities. At the interview you can then discuss salary. Salary history should never be discussed. This is your business, not theirs. Your current salary is dependent on what you can do for the company. It should have nothing to do with past history.

Giving your salary requirements gives away too much information. It can say that you are willing to work for less money than they planned on paying. It can also indicate you want way more than they can pay when in fact you might take less if this is the perfect job with good potential for growth. Putting salary information in your cover letter is very limiting. Don't do it. Good luck!

Also see: Negotiating for a raise