Ask the Expert
Dr. Kathleen Wells is a professional career coach and Director of Coaches
That Care. She has coached thousands of clients through the stages of successful career development.
Opening own business
Q: I have decided to leave my law firm, in which I am a partner after 12 years, and open my own law office. I'm scared to death that somehow my clients will stop coming to me. Any suggestions of how to get over this abnormal fear? - Susan
A: Dear Susan,
First of all, you should be aware that moving businesses always lose a few
clients. That is inevitable. The important thing is to do everything you
can to decrease the impact. Perhaps that will help the feeling of
What plans have you made for this move? For example, are you
planning a mail campaign to let all your clients know where you will be?
Will you do any phone calls or emails to follow up with that letter? Plan
an open house and invite all your clients and/or offer a free consult for
new work done at the new location to encourage them to come in and see you.
In your letter be sure to tell them what's in it for them if they follow
you, i.e., an attorney already familiar with their needs, a free 30 minute
consult at the new office, etc.
If these plans do not alleviate your fear, do some soul searching.
Are you ready to go out on your own both emotionally and financially?
Do you have enough money set aside to survive a fluctuation in clientele
for a one to two year period? If you have done all of this and are prepared
for this move and your fear persists, my suggestion would be to see either a coach,
a counselor or a hypnotherapist to work on the root cause of your fear.
One thing I have my clients do is make an honest list of all their skills and talents.
You have to KNOW this will succeed, that you have the ability to pull it off,
and then it will.
Good luck with your launch to a law firm of your own!