
Debbie Williams
Debbie Williams, owner of Let's Get It Together, is a personal organizing strategist, author, and speaker. She is the publisher of Organized Times™ ezine and website, sponsor of Organize Your Home Day™, and has published four books for organizing the home and home business, including her latest book, Common Sense Organizing. She is the host and producer of By the Book Radio™, a nationally syndicated talk show for family living. Frequently quoted in major newspapers and magazines, Debbie is recognized internationally as an expert in the field of organizing. She routinely appears on television and radio broadcasts, teaching audience members how to organize their homes, home offices, and better manage their time.
With hundreds of published articles to her credit, Debbie's warm personal writing style lends itself to a myriad of publications, both online and in print. Her syndicated column, Organized Times©, can be read in a variety of publications across the country.Debbie provides entertaining keynote addresses and breakout sessions for conferences, conventions, sales meetings, and professional organizations. She is a veteran teleclass facilitator, bringing expert organizational skills into the living rooms of home office workers & telecommuters. Debbie can be reached by email at debbie@organizedtimes.com or by visiting her Web sites at www.organizedu.com and www.organizedtimes.com