Ask the Work at Home Expert

Shawn Mason Spence, MA, is the owner of inPower Multimedia Group LLC which specializes in providing coaching and marketing support for entrepreneurs, writers and academic professionals. She is the author of "Just Work it!: 5 key steps to turning passion into profit" which is available at Shawn is a speaker, former college instructor and writer for The Parenting Post.

Question: My husband and I never see each other because of our conflicting work schedules and the activities/needs of our four children. I think we're growing apart. What can I do to save my marriage?

Answer: Different than some people, you are one step ahead by stopping the situation before it worsens. The first step is to stop, Stop anything and everything that has the two of you passing like thieves in the night. I believe that you have to set priorities with you and your husband in mind first. Here are some ideas given that can jumpstart your marriage and get it back on track:

Make a Night Out every month. I love telling my clients this one because the responses are only two ways. They either feel they have been there/done that and it doesn't ever happen or that they are too tired and too busy to make it really enjoyable. If you are like them might I suggest a special night in with candles, wine and a good ol' movie OR if you're adventurous, how about a personal chef or a his and her massage therapist who comes to the house and gives you guys some stress free time together in the privacy and comfort of your home. My response to people who don't have Night Outs: Don't be a statistic. Marriage requires work and parenting has separated or divorced parents…a LOT MORE work.

Carpooling. I know how important it is that you are at every event, but your children will understand if you miss every fifth game because you and your spouse are having a night out. Involve some of your other friends who are probably having the same experience and do a joint calendar where you can trade children on your nights out. If you feel guilty about missing the track meet, write your child a note that they can only open at the meet and tell them you're proud, you're rooting for them and you will have a shake, an ice cream cone, a root beer float waiting for them so that they can sit down with you and tell you everything that happened.

Put the kids to bed earlier. Oh, what a difference 30 minutes make. If the kids have a 9 p.m. bedtime, make it 8:30 p.m. and you two can cut the TV off and just talk. Make sure you have time for each other. Women are more verbal so let your spouse talk first please. Get up 30 minutes earlier so that you all can have your coffee together. If possible, ride to work together or have lunch together.

Cut out some of the kid's activities. I believe that children are overbooked and as much as I know the value of soccer, dance and karate, I know the greater value in quiet time with the entire family catching up on the lives of one another. One semester off from football or gymnastics while the two of you strengthen your family unit is well worth the sacrifice.