
Named “One of America’s Best Work/Life Balance Resources,” Maria is known for her innovative solutions for today everyday mom challenges. She is the Founder of BlueSuitMom.com, Host of Mom Talk Radio and Host of The Balancing Act on Lifetime TV. Let Maria help you find smart solutions to motherhood.
Business Travel and Family
Question: I frequently travel for work and feel guilty about being away from home. How can I stay in touch and make my family feel connected to me even when I'm away.
- Nancy J.
The most important thing a traveling mom must do is keep a positive attitude. Use your trips to teach your children about history and geography. Next time you are traveling for business take snapshots of your trip. Insert the pictures into hotel envelopes and mail them for a great way to stay connected with your children while you're away. In your letter, make mention of some interesting items from the city you're in. For instance, if you are in New York City, mail a snapshot of the Statue of Liberty and include details like "The Statue of Liberty was given to the U.S. by France in 1886." It's a great way for them to send a little geography lesson home and it is fun for your child to receive mail.
Another way to relieve any guilt about leaving for a business trip is to be prepared. When I am preparing to go out of town, I make all of my kids' lunches for each day that I am gone. If I am going to be gone for four days I have to make 16 bags of lunches and write who gets which bag and the day it should be eaten. I also try to prepare home-cooked meals before I leave so all my husband has to do is pop them in the oven.