
From a Dad's View
Stay-at-home dad David Pereyra shares his experience with fatherhood and being the partner of a BlueSuitMom.
While You Were Working
Ever wonder what goes on in your house when you are gone? Stay-at-home dad David Pereyra shares how he and his daughter spent a recent Monday. Read on ...
Past Columns
The family business trip
Making the decision to be a stay-at-home dad
When the BlueSuitMom has to travel
Enjoying life in the slow lane
Ever wonder what your husband really thinks? Feel like you could benefit from a male perspective? Ask David. This stay-at-home dad will answer your questions about dealing with your mate or fatherly questions.
I am a very busy working mother (4 month old) both at the office
and at home. My fiance is constantly complaining that we don't have enough
time together, but then doesn't understand why the house isn't spotless.
Although he does help around the house, he cannot breastfeed or get up in
the middle of the night with our son because he again has no means of
feeding him. How can I explain to him how thin this is wearing me, yet give
him some quality time?
David's Answer
How do I handle every colleague's ultimate question--what does your husband do?
I think my husband is jealous of my success. What should I do?
My mate and I are not married. I am a woman exec and my mate is a SAHD. How do I explain our situation to others?
I earn more than my partner and I think it bruises his ego. What should I do?