Infant First Aid

By Kristyn Kusek for Your Baby Today

When your baby gets hurt -- be it a bug bite or a bruise -- knowing how to care for her can help ease your anxiety. Here, first-aid tips for treating minor boo-boo's:

Scrapes and Cuts: If the wound doesn't appear to need stitches and isn't bleeding heavily, wash it with gentle soap and water, then pat dry. Apply an over-the-counter antibiotic (like Neosporin) and cover with a Band-Aid. If you notice any signs of infection (like redness, swelling, or pus), see your pediatrician.

Minor Burns: Run cool water over the affected area to soothe pain (don't apply ice-it damages skin tissue, causing more discomfort). To protect the skin, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly, and cover with a bandage. If blisters appear, don't drain them-open ones are easily infected.

Sunburn: When outdoors, infants and toddlers should always be protected from the sun with a hat and 30 SPF sunscreen (Sunscreen isn't recommended for infants under 6 months; instead, keep your baby out of direct sunlight and dress her in protective clothing.) But if your baby gets a sunburn, soothe it with an aloe vera-based cream. You can also administer over-the-counter pain relievers, like Tylenol. If vomiting or fever occurs, it means the burn is severe and you should see your pediatrician.

Bug Bites: Most insect bites and stings look like firm, raised bumps. Care for a bee sting by gently scraping out the stinger with a sterile pin or tweezers. Put a cold compress on the area to relieve pain. (Note that many kids are allergic to bee stings-if rapid swelling or wheezing occurs, get medical help immediately.) Mosquito bites are especially common in babies -- the bugs are actually attracted to the hemoglobin in infant blood. Clean and dry the bite, then apply an over-the-counter itch relief cream, like Benadryl ointment. To keep your child from scratching, cut her fingernails and keep them clean.

Knots and Bruises: Apply an ice compress to the area to help numb pain and reduce swelling. To relieve soreness, administer an over-the-counter pain reliever like Tylenol or Ibuprofen. If your child seems lethargic, disoriented, or vomits after bumping his head, seek medical care to check for a concussion.

Motion Sickness/Nausea: It's best not to give babies and toddlers medication for nausea -- doctors say it can make stomach upset worse. Simply let your child rest and call your pediatrician if symptoms worsen or don't subside within a few hours.

Also see:
Purchase baby products at
Sign that your baby is sick
Common infant ailments
Childproofing and baby safety checklist

Kristyn Kusek is a health and lifestyle writers whose work has appeared in Redbook, Good Housekeeping, Parenting, The New York Times,and Lifetime TV Online.

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