
Postpartum Care
By Dana Sullivan for Your Baby Today
No one knows better than you that pregnancy is an amazing journey. But after you give
birth, your body goes through another round of dramatic emotional and physical changes.
You probably feel alternately sheer joy and utter exhaustion, and you may be experiencing
physical pain that you didn't expect. Here, some of the most common postpartum complaints,
and advice from the American College of Gynecologists on the best ways to treat them:
- Afterbirth contractions. After you give birth, your uterus must continue
contracting in order to get back to its original size. These contractions aren't as
painful as labor contractions, but they can be intense and uncomfortable. They may
intensify during breastfeeding, since suckling stimulates the release of the hormone
oxytocin, which contracts the uterus. The good news is that the contractions will decrease
over the next few weeks. Try to keep your bladder empty, and when the pain is severe, lie
on your stomach with a pillow under your abdomen. If you've had a C-section and can't lie
on your tummy, practice the same relaxation techniques you used during labor, such as deep
breathing and visualization.
- Breast engorgement. When your milk comes in, two to five days after delivery,
your breasts may become painfully full and hard. If you're not breastfeeding, the
engorgement should subside within a few days. If you are breastfeeding, it may take a week
or more for your baby and your breasts to work out a demand-and-supply relationship. Until
then, here are a few things you can do: Apply bags of crushed ice to your breasts several
times a day; stand under a warm shower, which should trigger "letdown" and
release some milk; express a little breast milk with a breast pump or by hand; massage
your breasts, stroking gently but firmly toward the nipple.
Difficulty urinating. The bladder and urethra are right next to the birth canal,
and can become stretched and bruised during delivery. (If you had an epidural or a
C-section, the effects of the anesthesia may also make it difficult to urinate for the
first postpartum day or so.) To get your bladder working again, drink water immediately
after delivery; run water in the bathroom sink (hearing running water may increase the
urge to empty your bladder); stand or walk-- gravity may help; and soak your bottom in a
tub of warm water.
Episiotomy. Good hygiene is essential while the wound heals. Take warm sitz baths to keep your bottom clean and to soothe
soreness. Use a warm-water rinse on your bottom while you urinate to reduce the stinging
caused by the acidic urine running over the wound. You might also place ice packs on your
bottom and try using a witch-hazel-soaked pad between your perineum and sanitary pad. If
the pain is unmanageable, ask your physician to prescribe pain medication.
Hemorrhoids. The best way to prevent hemorrhoids is to avoid constipation. But if
it's too late for that, take a hot sitz bath two or three times a day for 20 minutes each
time; applying cold witch-hazel compresses several times a day may also bring comfort. Try
sleeping on your side, which takes pressure off the rectal veins; avoid standing or
sitting for hours at a time; and don't strain during bowel movements (elevating your feet
on a footstool may make it easier to avoid straining). If none of these home remedies
relieves the discomfort, ask your physician to recommend a stool softener and a medicated
topical cream.
Gas pains. Your bowels are "traumatized" by childbirth, just as your
bladder is. The muscles may be sluggish, which can cause constipation and a gassy, bloated
feeling. If you've had a cesarean, the pain may be very intense. Drink and eat small
amounts, slowly and often; avoid foods such as beans, onions, cabbage, broccoli, and fried
and sugary foods, which are known to cause gas. And ask your physician to suggest a
gas-relieving medication.
Cesarean-section incision pain. You'll be given pain medication to take for at
least the first few days following your C-section. It may make you feel woozy, but it will
help you sleep, something the pain would likely prevent. If your stitches aren't the type
that dissolve, you'll need to have them removed by your health-care provider, probably
within four or five days after delivery. She'll tell you how the incision should look and
feel while it heals, but if you notice any of the following symptoms, call her
immediately: fever over 100.4 degrees; nausea and vomiting; painful urination; bleeding
that is heavier than your normal period; pain, swelling, or signs of infection.
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