Ask the Cook
Jorj Morgan is the Director of Lifestyle Content for Her expertise in the culinary field incorporates 25 years of entertaining as well as owning a successful catering company. She is in the process of publishing her first cookbook, "At Home In The Kitchen" due in Spring 2001.
Family Dinners
Q: My husband has to eat plain foods for health reasons, How can I get away from the every week chicken and pork, rice and mashed potatoes?
By “plain food” I assume that you mean that your husband cannot have foods with sauces or that are heavily spiced. I hope the same does not apply for fresh herbs, which will add a ton of flavor to every day food.
Why not try this:
Marinate a 3/4 inch swordfish steak in limejuice. Use a grill pan to grill the fish for several minutes on both sides. Serve the swordfish with a drizzle of good quality olive oil. For side dishes serve roasted sweet potatoes (flavored with fresh rosemary) and couscous topped with diced carrots and yellow squash.
Even plain food can be elegant and special!
More feasting challenges:
Planning a dinner party
Quick and healthy midweek meal
Help! My cold cuts have a greenish tint
How do I prepare fish?