| Ask the Beauty ExpertDebbi Telli is a certified dermatician, a state licensed aesthetician, and an accomlished make-up artist and a member of the National Cosmetic Tattooing Association and the Florida Medical Esthetic Association.
Acne in Adults
Q: Hi Debbi,
At the fun age of 43 you would think acne would not be a problem. Two weeks prior to my monthly menstrual cycle I break out horribly and it takes my face two weeks to recover. I've been to a dermatologist and meds have been prescribed but not seem to help. I believe it is hormonal, as a result the medications have little impact. Any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated. I would like to finish out my forties without acne breakouts. Thank you very much.
Maria G.
A: Maria,
You are not alone. More people entering their 30's and 40's experience acne than teenagers because of hormonal imbalances caused by the aging process. What I suggest is to rejuvenate your skin with a alphahydroxy solution. Why alphahydroxy? It speeds up the rejuvenation process in your skin. The acne you are experiencing is dead skin cells laying dormant and the alphahydroxy exfoliates the cells. Find a product or acne medicine which contains salicylic acid 1%. It is a drying agent which helps clear up acne blemishes and breakouts while exfoliating skin cells. This shouldn't cost you a lot. You can either find an over the counter product or find a plastic surgeon's office which carries a line of alphahydroxy products.
Make sure you are following a good skin care routine which includes four steps: cleanse, renew, hydrate, protect.
If you tend to have oily skin, make sure that you cleanse only with cleansing gel. Oily skin people should always stick to lotions or gels for their skin. In foundation, I suggest using an oil free and water based make-up.
And it's summertime, so don't forget to protect your skin with a good SPF.
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