Ordering out while out on the road
Hotel room service can get pretty bland after repeated orders. Spice up your dinners by finding delivered dinner on the Internet. If you're in a city served by one of the following services, it could be a good alternative.
Enter the zip code and food.com will give you a list of restaurants where you can get delivery or take-out. And the entire menus for the restaurants are online.
Kozmo.com delivers food and entertainment items from magazines to videos. Whether you're in the mood for movie rentals, DVDs, video games, music, books, magazines or food, you can order with Kozmo.com and have it in your hands within an hour. And delivery is free. It is available in New York, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago and Washington D.C. They are expanding to Atlanta later in the year.
If you are in the Big Apple this is the place to go for food online. Huge variety of restaurants covers most areas of the city.
Depending upon your neighborhood, this site lists foods from Pizza to subs to Chinese.
Waiter On Wheels
This company picks up your order at local restaurants. They offer a huge selection of restaurants but only available in select California locations and Spokane, Washington. Delivery costs $6 and must have a minimum of $15 per restaurant.