Career Advice
Dr. Kathleen Wells is a professional career coach and Director of Coaches
That Care. She has coached thousands of clients through the stages of successful career development.
Lisa writes, "I am 10 weeks pregnant with my first and I want to get another job. I do not feel that my current position is challenging me or moving ahead. When do I tell a potential employer that I am pregnant? Do I have to tell them in the interview? Am I still eligible for maternity leave? What are my rights?
" Career Coach Kathleen Wells' Advice
Kathleen can answer all your questions about career advancement, finding a job you love, negotiating a salary or other career issues. Submit your question now
Dr. Kathleen Wells is a professional career coach with a genuine interest
in the success of each of her clients. As Director of Coaches That Care, she provides resume or marketing portfolio design and development as well as coaching in a variety of other career topics such as interviewing and networking skills, salary negotiations, and long-term career planning. .