Get Organized
Organizing the Garage
Question: Our two car garage is stuff full of stuff - bikes, boxes, out of
season storage, tools and of course some miscellaneous junk. You can't even
get a car in the garage. Help!
You sound like each and every homeowner living in my neighborhood! To make
yourself feel somewhat better, drive around your own neighborhood on a sunny
day and look into those open garages-- what a sight! Of course this doesn't
help your storage dilemma or protect your car from the elements, does it?
First things first-- start with a plan. Do you want to get 1 or both cars
into your garage each day? If 1, then use the other side for storage and
just move stuff over (literally), group into boxes, label, and drive in your
car on the open side.
If you really want to splurge and park both cars inside the garage, plan to
do this in stages.
Carve out a pathway for the cars by sorting and purging the clutter on the
garage floor, eliminating what you don't need to store there and what won't
fit with your newly organized space. Roll up your sleeves, crank up the
radio, and grab a helper -- it's going to take awhile! Take plenty of
breaks for snacks and inspiration. Don't load everything out onto the
driveway. You probably won't finish in one time block and what if it rains?
Instead, work on small corners or areas of the garage, sorting/purging your
way through until there is indeed a garage floor. You may want to take the
time to sprinkle cat litter or cleaner on those oil spills, then sweep the
entire garage floor to make a nice home for your family's wheels.
Organize tools, sports gear, bikes, kids outdoor toys, gardening gear,
cleaners, and other garage items by category or how frequently they are
used. Start with the perimeter of the garage, hanging those things with long
handles on nails or pegs , and grouping them together (rakes/shovels/hoes,
mops/brooms, weedeater/leaf blower/extension cord). Hang shelving below the
rafters if you have an older garage, at the back or to the sides if you have
a newer one. Hang bicycles on bike hooks, house tools in a toolbench or
sturdy box, and utilize as much vertical space as you possibly can. Corral
smaller items, grouping like things together by category and function, into
tubs and don't forget to label them. Gardening, Woodworking, Plumbing,
Crafts, etc.
Organizing is a process not a product, so use what you have to organize at
first, or splurge and buy fancy sportsgear racks, sturdy tubs and
footlockers, and install shelving or cabinetry. Just make a point of
planning what will stay in the garage, what's used most often and needs to
remain accessible, and how you will organize what's left over. There's no
one way to organize a project, and garages seem to collect a lot of
miscellaneous gear. So use your creativity and make this system one that
makes sense to you and your family- one that you'll use to find and replace
things every day.
Good luck,
Debbie Williams
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