
Power Up Your Image
Sherry Maysonave is the founder and president of Empowerment Enterprises, one of America's leading communication-image firms. She is also the author of Casual Power
Kelly writes, "There are so many different brands of hosiery out there. Can you help with sorting through all of them and which ones are the silkiest, sheerest? Which are best to wear for casual, dressy, and work?" Sherry's Answer
What are you saying before you speak a word? Does your nonverbal communication limit your effectiveness? In this enlightening guidebook, Sherry Maysonave shows you precisely how to command respect, inspire trust, and project personal power when you dress for business. She emphasizes the silent—but potent—nonverbal aspects of clothing, demeanor, and body language. Buy now at Amazon for $22.95.
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True personal power comes from within. It can be enhanced and developed, but it cannot be given. However, with the right haircut and empowering clothing, one’s body shifts and a sense of power just pops out. See a case study from Casual Power.