
BlueSuitMom's Working Mom Must Haves: Health
By Rachael Bender, Co-founder of BlueSuitMom.com & Beth Bogerman, Contributing Writer
Philips Consumer Products goLITE BLU Energy Light
This time of year can sometime put us into a real funk. It seems that we go to work in the dark only to come home in the dark. While I’ve never been diagnosed with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), I can definitely tell my energy levels tend to fluctuate more in the winter than in the summer. To combat this situation, I’ve decided to use Philips’ goLITE BLU light therapy device. Like most Philips products, the goLITE is sleekly designed in a tidy, portable package. The rechargeable battery allows me to take it back and forth from work so I can get some rays while checking those dreaded morning emails. The blue LEDS cast a pleasing, Caribbean-esque glow in the mid-range that can border on blinding at the highest settings. I personally keep my settings at the recommended 50% saturation. Of course light therapy’s efficacy is subjective, but with only 30 minutes of use each day, I am willing to at least take the chance that I will have fewer winter blahs this year. Of important note is light therapy’s negative interaction with people who have certain mental ailments or diagnoses. Physician approval is highly recommended.
Website: consumer.philips.com/c/energylight/hf3332_60/prd/us/
Over the next year, we'll continue to add to the list, so if you know of something we missed, please send us an email.