Emotional Wellness
Mary Symmes is the founder of Self Investment Strategies and a life coach devoted to the empowerment of working women. Mary is also a clinical social worker in Alexandria, Va. Visit her Web site at SelfInvestmentStrategies.com
Dealing with a Child's Death
Question: Four months ago yesterday my year old daughter passed away of sids. So far I have done a pretty good job pretending that I don't need help. I am embarrassed to tell anyone that I need help because everybody thinks that I am "so strong". I don't want anyone to worry about me. Please help.
My heart goes out to you in your grief and loneliness. You are right, you do desperately need to talk with someone as soon as possible. You have suffered about the worst life can give us - the death of a child. Please know that I am holding you in my thoughts.
There are a variety of ways for you to find help. Online, there is www.sidscenter.org, www.sidsfamilies.com, and www.sidsalliance.org. You can also do a search on google using sids and your state name. That should get you information about support groups close to you. I also suggest that you call your local community mental health centers to see if they have bereavement support groups. Finally, there is an organization called Compassionate Friends for those who have lost children. You can reach them at www.compassionatefriends.org.
I hope you find the help and love you need very quickly. Please let me know if I can help you in any way again. I pray for you to find peace and healing soon.
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