Ask the Personal Trainer

Joni Hyde is a Certified Personal Trainer and owner of

Natasha writes, "I have a cardio routine of 45 minutes combined on the treadmill and stationary bike that I do six times a week. I also have an arms and ab routine that I do three times a week with free weights and a butt and thigh routine that I also do three times a week (lunges, squats, etc. with weights). Is it more effective to do the weight training portion of my workout before or after the cardio? Or does it matter?"

Answer: There are pros and cons of each scenario but there are no hard studies that have proven one should be done first. Cardio first definitely loosens up your muscles sufficiently and will help to prevent injuries. However, a 5-minute warm up would be sufficient before your strength workout if the purpose is to merely warm up muscles.

Now, some claim that they would rather do strength first so they can get a more effective workout ... before they are worn out by cardio. I suppose you could look at it the other way around too and not want to wear yourself out for cardio. Bottom line is do what is best for you. It really does not matter.

Also see:
More about toning your abs
Exercises that target the lower abs
Reverse crunch to firm up abs provides home exercise programs for today's busy women, under the guidance of a certified personal trainer.