Ask the Personal Trainer

Joni Hyde is a Certified Personal Trainer and owner of

Q. My last delivery was by c-section. I just can’t seem to regain my lower stomach muscles, are there any exercises to target this area?

A. The reverse crunch is most beneficial abdominal exercise when attempting to restore lower abdominal muscles. This exercise puts more emphasis on the fibers in the lower part of the abs because the contraction begins from the bottom of the muscle.

To perform, lie on a mat with hands under buttocks which tilts the pelvic slightly up and supports the lower back. Lift legs up and bend knees almost to a 90 degree angle. Exhale as you lift pelvis up and toward the chest, then lower down just momentarily touching toes down to the floor, maintaining 90 degree bend in the knees.

Maintain control throughout the movement and avoid rocking or using momentum.

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