Ask the Personal Trainer

Joni Hyde is a Certified Personal Trainer and owner of

Trecia writes, "I have been working out for six months now and my problem deals with my inner thighs. I have been doing 30-40 min. of cardio for 5 days a week and weight training for three days and my muscles are toning and growing (my quads and hamstrings) but the inner thigh is not toning there just jiggly. In fact I have a hard time putting on jeans because of my legs becoming muscular. Is there any exercise you can recommend for toning my inner thighs."

A. The best way to target tone the inner thigh is with a move called the Plie.

Stand with feet apart approximately double your shoulder width, legs straight with your toes and knees pointed outward.

Bend your knees, lowering your hips toward the floor, keeping buttocks tucked under, knees pressing back.

Feel a stretch in the inner thigh. Be sure that knees don't extend past your toes as you lower down. Then straighten your knees back to standing position. Do 3 or 4 sets of 15.

If 15 repetitions does not challenge you, then you an hold a weighted bar close to your body above your chest.

Click here for a picture

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