Ask the Personal Trainer

Joni Hyde is a Certified Personal Trainer and owner of

Q. I have been thinking about joining a pilates class. They say that pilates workouts the entire body and you don't need to do weights or any other type of exercise to get in shape. What do you think? -- Lynda

A. Pilates focuses on alignment, posture, coordination and flexibility. The exercises are performed with a special piece of equipment against the resistance of springs on a sliding carriage, which keeps the focus on stability, control and smooth muscular contraction.

Pilates once or twice a week would offer you nice diversity in your fitness program and will keep you flexible but cannot replace aerobic activity or strength training. In addition to the Pilates I would suggest an exercise regime that includes strength training at least twice a week to maintain and build muscle mass and bone mass as well as cardio activity twice a week. This will give you a well-rounded exercise plan.

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