Exercise of the Week

Prone Leg Press

By Joni Hyde of WorkoutsForWomen.com

The prone leg press works the front of the thighs and requires no equipment. This is a great exercise that you can take with you on the road.

Start down on mat on your hands and knees. Place your hands flat on the floor, and keep your knees together and lined up directly under hips. Pull your abdominals in tight and flex your feet.

  • Straighten your knees, keeping your neck in line with spine.
  • Bend knees and return to start.
Be sure to keep your abdominals tight and knees together through the entire motion. Repeat 20 times.

Past Exercises of the Week:
Chest Fly
Seated Bent Over Rear Fly
Tricep Dip
Walking Lunges
Concentration Curl

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