Ask the Personal Trainer

Joni Hyde is a Certified Personal Trainer and owner of

I'm in the navy and a component of the fitness test is to do ten perfect push ups. I can't seem to get my body to go down far enough can you please email me some possible build up exercises to be able to perfect them? -- Jo

A. Hi Jo. Pushups require strength in your chest, shoulders and triceps. Therefore exercises that work these muscles would help strengthen your upper body in preparation for the push- up test. Some exercises you should concentrate on are chest presses, shoulder presses and tricep dips. But by far the best preparation for you in doing push-ups is just doing pushups.

A modified pushup is what I would suggest you start out with. To do a modified push-up get down on mat on hands and knees, hands flat, just outside shoulder width, and slightly forward, knees directly under hips. Keeping abdomen tight, neck in line with spine, bend elbows and lower chest one fist distance from floor, aiming head right between hands, then push up to start, keeping elbows soft at the top. Do 3 sets of 10. Add one more pushup every day until you can do 20 pushups.

When you can do 20 repetitions, then move to the ladies pushup. To perform this, get down on mat on hands and knees, hands flat, just outside shoulder width and slightly forward, extend knees back as far as possible. Keeping abdomen tight, neck in line with spine, bend elbows and lower chest one fist distance from floor, aiming head right between hands, then push up to start, keeping elbows soft at the top. Do 3 sets of 10. Add one more pushup every day until you can do 20 pushups.

Now you're ready to do a man's pushup which is performed on your hands and toes. Do 3 sets of 10 every day. You can do it.

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