Ask the Personal Trainer

Joni Hyde is a Certified Personal Trainer and owner of

Q. I have a 13 month old child and a full-time outside of the home job. I find it hard to find the time and motivation to work-out. Do you have any jumpstart suggestions that would get me going? Rhonda

A. With kids, jobs and all the other responsibilities of home and family it's difficult to figure out where exercise can fit in. Here are a few ideas for you.

  • Make exercise a priority. If you're serious about getting fit you will find the time to exercise.
  • Work out the same time every day. If you make it a daily routine, it becomes your special time to take care of yourself.
  • Wake up 30 minutes earlier.
  • Turn off the TV. The average adult spends 16 hours a week watching TV. Cut out a few hours and you'll have more time to fit in exercise and other chores.
Plan out a short term exercise program for yourself. Take it one week at a time. And think of exercise in the right perspective. Exercise is an in investment in yourself. When the going gets tough, remember some is better than none. Life is going to throw unexpected curve balls into your schedule so plan to scale back on your workouts when you have to but don't quit. Exercise should not be an all or nothing type deal.

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