Exercise of the Week

Standing Lateral Raises

By Joni Hyde of WorkoutsForWomen.com

Target the sides of your shoulders with this easy move for sculpting your shoulders. Make your shoulders attractive so they're ready to show off - no matter what time of year it is. Sculpted shoulders look great bare - whether your wearing your favorite strapless sun dress or holiday gown.

  • Stand with one leg slightly in front of the other with your chest up, shoulders pulled back and abdominals held in tight.
  • Hold 3 to 8 pound dumbbells in each hand with arms bent at a 90 degree angle and palms facing each other in front of your body.
  • Lift arms up to the sides, maintaining the 90degree angle in the arms. Stop when hands and elbows are shoulder level, hold briefly, then lower back down.
Keep hands and elbows at the same height through out the movement. Repeat 15 - 20 times.

Past Exercises of the Week:
Push Ups
Prone Leg Raise
Chest Fly
Seated Bent Over Rear Fly
Tricep Dip
Walking Lunges
Concentration Curl

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