Ask the Personal Trainer

Joni Hyde is a Certified Personal Trainer and owner of

Q. How long does it take when you first start exercising to notice that your metabolism has changed? I expected results right away (I'm also on a weight reduction program) but a friend tells me that it might take 6-8 weeks to really notice that the exercise has boosted fat loss. Storace

A. It's difficult for anyone to estimate how long it will take for your body to increase its metabolism, especially without more information about what type of exercise you are doing and diet details, but I can tell you what will work the best. Your metabolism depends on many factors such as age, height, gender, diet and exercise. We obviously have no control over some of those factors but here are some tips on manipulating the ones we can control:

1. Cut back on calories, but not drastically. Cutting back too much sends a message to your body that there is a shortage of food and your body responds by slowing down its metabolism and becomes highly efficient at fat storage. This is the opposite of what you want.

2. Eat 5-6 mini meals each day rather than 3 larger meals. This tricks your body into thinking there is an abundance of food available, which in turn keeps your metabolism revved.

3. Get enough sleep. Studies show that just one week of sleep deprivation will alter one's capacity to metabolize carbohydrates.

4. Most importantly, lift weights to build lean muscle. Muscle burns approximately 45 more calories pound than fat. Weight training increases muscle mass which in turn will increase your metabolism. Also, do some type of aerobic activity, but don't rely on this type of exercise alone to lose weight. Aerobic activity burns calories during the activity, but 30 minutes after the activity ceases, your metabolism goes back to normal.

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