Exercise of the Week

Bent Over Single Dumbbell Row

By Joni Hyde of WorkoutsForWomen.com

The dumbbell row helps shape your mid and upper back.

Set up
Holding 3 lb dumbbell in right hand, bend over at the hip, left hand on chair for support, left leg slightly forward. Back flat, abdominals tight, shoulders pulled back, neck in line with spine.


  • Right arm hanging straight, palm facing you.
  • Bend at the elbow and pull hand up to rib cage, keeping elbow close to body.
  • Return to start, without locking elbow.

15 times each side.

Past Exercises of the Week:
Leg Extension
Lateral Raise
Push Ups
Prone Leg Raise
Chest Fly
Seated Bent Over Rear Fly
Tricep Dip
Walking Lunges
Concentration Curl

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