Ask the Personal Trainer

Joni Hyde is a Certified Personal Trainer and owner of

Sridevi writes, "After having my first baby about a year and a half ago, my tummy never came to its original shape. I badly need to flatten my tummy and reduce the excess weight on my hips. Is it too late to start now, can I succeed?"

A. As women, we are designed to store fat in the abdomen. After giving birth to a child, the muscles of the abdomen become stretched making it even more of a challenge to achieve a flat abdomen. It’s not easy to achieve a perfectly flat abdomen, and in some cases, it’s impossible, but you can greatly improve your abdominal area through a combination of exercise and diet.

Reverse Crunches are the best exercise for targeting the lower abdominal area, regular crunches for targeting the upper abdominal area and oblique exercises for targeting the waist. Keep in mind that no amount of abdominal exercises will reveal well toned muscles if you’re padding them with an extra layer of fat. If you’re still hanging on to a some extra pounds, this is the area where a few of them can most certainly be found. Include cardiovascular exercise into your routine. This can help to burn some of the extra fat, exposing the muscles that you’re building with abdominal exercises.

Eating habits are just as critical to leaning up your midsection. Replace sodium, sugar and preservative laden foods with fresh whole unprocessed foods. Drink as much water as you can all day long to flush away bloating.

Now on to the hips. As females, our hips are structured wider for a reason --- child bearing. Hips make a woman a woman...but it is an area where fat accumulates easily. Since movement is the secret of body fat reduction, the best way to reduce in the area of hips and thighs, is with lower body exercises. The best method for reduction is to complete a routine loaded with variety, high repetition and low weights.

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