In a Man's World
Randy Prange, CEO of Insights, Inc., a strategic planning and business development firm, offers advice on business, career advancement and dealing with the men in your office.

  Recently Asked Questions
    "I am currently developing and putting together a nonprofit organization. This has always been my dream, to heal and mentor survivors of all forms of abuse. I am a survivor of Sexual-Emotional-physical abuse throughout my childhood and teen years. I have filled for a nonprofit form from my local state, and was accepted and am currently awaiting for the IRS to accept my filling for tax exemption, but my financial statues is very limited. So my question to you is how do I solicit for Supporters, Sponsors, or grants without having the business up for years? " Business Advisor Randy Prange's Answer
  • "In all my years work experience, I have never encountered a supervisor that wanted to become friendly. My husband was a bit apprehensive saying that it will later cause problems. Against his better judgment, I began to go on weekend shopping trips. Let the kids spend nights at each others houses and have lunch together everyday. Well I began to feel suffocated. At work, my supervisor stayed in my cubicle talking and laughing which resulted in me not being able to complete my work. The other employees felt as I received special treatment, and the supervisor's co-workers (other supervisors) looked at her in disgust. Finally I told her that we needed to just keep it professional because I felt crowded and she just doesn't get it. She gave me my evaluation on Friday and instead of doing my evaluation, she asked me if we could still hang out on the weekends and she understands that I don't wish to have nothing but a professional relationship at work but what about after work?" Business Advisor Randy Prange's Answer

  • "My manager resigned and recommended me for his job. The HR Director talked to me about my interest. I said, 'Yes, I am interested.' She told me they were concerned about my age and the age of my children (2 toddlers). I didn't get the job and the President of the company told me 'It isn't the right time for you to get this position, hopefully you will realize that later.' As a recognized top performer in the company who never missed a planned trip because of my children, I believe I am being discriminated against. Eighty percent of the executive team are males with stay at home wives and the remaining 20 percent are older women with no children. Any thoughts on how to proceed?" Business Advisor Randy Prange's Answer

  • How does my husband explain the past 1 1/2 years of unemployment and being a stay at home dad while I have been the breadwinner? Randy's advice
  • I have been a secretary for 15 years and have recently obtained a professional designation, yet I am hitting a wall (or ceiling) in my career. I can do much more but my manager seems to like me just where I am. How can I ask for a promotion and get it? Randy's answer

  • We recently had a turnover in senior management and cutbacks are beginning to happen all over the company. I've been asked to move to a different division. I'm apprehensive to accept the promotion because I'm afraid, the new senior management is putting me there so that I may execute the layoffs which are coming down the pipes. Randy's advice
  • More questions
  • While in the process of interviewing for a new job, I found out I was pregnant. At what point should I tell them the good news? Randy's answer

  • My boss gives me the hardest work, then takes credit for everything! How can I get the recognition I deserve? Randy's advice

  • I'm ready to reenter the work force after six years, but I'm worried about how to compete again. Randy's advice

  • My new boss is ten years younger than I am, not married and practically lives at work. I feel like he expects me to do the same. What should I do? Randy answer

  • I am a middle manager in a medium sized company. My boss, who is the only female senior executive in the company, seems to want to also be my friend. Is it a good idea for me to advance my friendship with my boss, or should I try to cool it for fear it gets out of hand sometime and costs me my job. Randy' suggestions

  • I've worked for a major corporation for over 15 years and worked my way up the management ladder. We recently had a turnover in Senior management including our President and cutbacks are beginning to happen all over the company. I've been asked to move to a different division becoming the highest ranking executive in that area. I'm apprehensive to accept the promotion because I'm afraid, the new senior management is putting me there so that I may execute the layoffs which are coming down the pipes. Randy's advice

  • Submit your questions

  Personal Coaching
Mr. Prange offers one-on-one coaching through specially designed Sounding Board services. These monthly sessions present an opportunity to build a relationship where your career building effort and job development is the center focus. Three, 30-minute, one-on-one dialog sessions, via e-mail or telephone, are included each month. Fee for this personalized communication: $150 per month. Dialogs will be scheduled on mutually agreed upon dates. Email Randy for a free consultation or more information.