Diary of a BlueSuitMom
If experiences and roles define the person, then I am defined by a long list all related to or associated with being a working mother. Infertility, adoption, juggling work and family, parenting, senior-level executive, mother, wife, sister, friend and now entrepreneur all shape and define who I am.
It's amazing when one looks back on life to see what events contributed to where they stand now and how many of them were so unplanned. Did I think when I majored in Biology and Chemistry that I would one day start an Internet company? Could I ever have imagined that years of fertility drugs, failed attempts at pregnancy and uncertain adoptions would end with four beautiful children? Who could have guessed that I would go from marketing used cars, rental vehicles and garbage to coaching mothers on how to juggle family and career? No, you never can tell what life has in store for you or how you will apply its lessons somewhere else. The only certain thing about my life is that it's been interesting.
My best friend always says, she should have been writing it all down a long time ago. I truly believe that there is a lot to be learned from another person's experiences. Sometimes we can imitate the same successes and at other times, avoid failures. And in the role of a working mother, any short cut you can take including lesson's learned from another, is positive. Not to mention that it's nice to know someone else is going through the same challenges.
So today, we add a new feature to BlueSuitMom.com. It's called, Diary of a BlueSuitMom. The column will give you a glimpse into the life of a mother of four, a wife, a business executive and a woman. Perhaps it will provide a chuckle, an "I've been there too," grin, another view on life or just provoke a thought. My hope is that it will be a column you look forward to following and one which will stimulate you.
Oh, and by the way, did I mention it was my life?
Maria Bailey
Recent entries
Week Forty-Six -- When you thought they weren't looking
Week Forty-Five -- The end of summer: school begins
Week Forty-Four -- Two funerals and a wedding
Week Forty-Three -- Surviving the summer vacation
Week Forty-Two -- Seeing the world through a child's eye
Week Forty-One -- Re-living single days teaches the importance of family
Week Forty -- Sometimes we need a break
Week Thirty-Nine -- Summer camps
Week Thirty-Eight -- The teachers that shape our lives
Week Thirty-Seven -- Reuniting with old friends
Week Thirty-Six -- Tips for managing a large family
Week Thirty-Five -- Fulfilling my dreams
Week Thirty-Four -- Parenting approaches
Week Thirty-Three -- Combining a business trip with spring break
Week Thirty-Two -- Making Spring Break plans
Week Thirty-One -- Importance of a Support System
Week Thirty -- Life is good
Week Twenty-Nine -- My nine year anniversary
Week Twenty-Eight -- Does birth order matter?
Week Twenty-Seven -- Things we take for granted
Week Twenty-Six -- My daughter turned two
Week Twenty-Five -- Losing a loved one
Week Twenty-Four -- Where did the romance of Valentine's Day go?
Week Twenty-Three -- The call I've been waiting for
Week Twenty-Two -- Where did the weekend go?
Week Twenty-One -- Business trip challenges
Week Twenty -- Girl Scout cookie time
Week Nineteen -- Thoughts on motherhood
Week Eighteen -- No more resolutions
Week Seventeen -- Holiday letter
Week Sixteen -- Holiday traditions
Week Fifteen -- Who's bed is it anyway?
Week Fourteen -- Holding a child's hand
Week Thirteen -- Attending a bris
Week Twelve -- A lesson from TV
Week Eleven -- I did it!
Week Ten -- Reaching your goals
Week Nine -- I've been busted
Week Eight -- Classroom politics
Week Seven -- When a mom's life ends too soon
Week Six -- Parenting mistakes
Week Five -- What are we really saying?
Week Four -- The courage to take risks
Week Three -- The business trip
Week Two -- Reflections of motherhood
Week One -- A trip to the grocery store