
Emotional Wellness
Mary Symmes is the founder of Self Investment Strategies and a life coach devoted to the empowerment of working women. Mary is also a clinical social worker in Alexandria, Va. Visit her Web site at SelfInvestmentStrategies.com
Mary has experience dealing with all issues of women's emotional health. Ask her your questions about work-related stress, relationship issues, developing self-confidence and dealing with life changes.
Submit your questions
Liz writes, "I work more than my husband and am the primary breadwinner in
our family. I am also the primary caretaker (I do all the cleaning, cooking, homework help, put the kids to bed, etc.) I'm really starting to resent the fact that I feel I carry the burden of our family -- both financially and when it comes to raising our two girls. How can I express my feelings to him without having him get angry and defensive?"
Mary's answer
The above is for general information only and is not intended to substitute for professional mental health treatment. Individuals should consult licensed professionals as needed.
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